Colin Kaepernick Proves He’s a Fraud

Outlaw Sports: KEJ
4 min readFeb 19, 2019

Dressed in a Malcom X t-shirt, black quarterback turned activist, Colin Kaepernick–poses with his all white legal team. The irony of the above picture can not be overstated. Colin Kaepernick, who spent the last two years suing his former employer for allegedly locking him out of the league; settled out of court Friday for undisclosed terms–and swore to secrecy to never speak about it again. For someone who supposedly sacrificed his dream career in favor of exercising his First Amendment Right, the irony of the previous sentence can’t be overstated. But perhaps it’s not irony at all. Perhaps it’s just what it’s always been; a mediocre quarterback whose real talent was trolling disguised as activism. A hypocrite who stands on the shoulders of giants, while grabbing every piece of money and second of attention he can.

When news broke of the settlement on Friday, the Kaepernick apologist rushed to declare victory for their modern day Muhammed Ali. Former ESPN personality, Jemele Hill, breathlessly wrote how Kaepernick slew the evil racist giant that is the NFL,

Technically, the NFL did not admit that it conspired to blackball Kaepernick from the league after he began taking a knee during the national anthem to protest racial injustice. But nontechnically speaking, the NFL lost. Massively.The terms of the settlement, announced on Friday, were not disclosed. But it doesn’t matter how much money Kaepernick ultimately receives from the NFL; what matters is that he bested a league that has a long history of pummeling its opposition in court, especially players.

Make no mistake, before Friday, Hill and the rest of Kapernick’s Media propaganda machine, have been preparing an unfalsifiable argument no matter what the result. If Kaepernick goes to court against the NFL and wins, he proves in a venue with the highest standard of proof that the NFL blackballed him. If Kaepernick loses in court, he still wins because he stood on his principles against the mighty NFL to the bitter end. Just another example of the racist white billionaires keeping young black men in their place on the social hierarchy. Thus, Kaepernick would have been martyred in the eyes of the Social justice left, fully justifying his actions. However, both sides settled and yet according to Hill, Kaepernick won.

Hill attempts to deflect any Kaepernick criticism by comparing this situation with another notable and recent NFL civil case–Deflategate.

Some are already criticizing Kaepernick for settling, not realizing how rare it is to see the NFL backed into a corner, especially by a player. Tom Brady, arguably the greatest quarterback ever, couldn’t beat the NFL in court. Even he eventually had to accept his four-game suspension for Deflategate in 2016.

So Hill would have us believe that despite Kaepernick not winning in court or proving his case at all for that matter; he still is the moral victor because he “settled” with the NFL and therefore, David bested Goliath. Need proof? Think Tom Brady.

Setting aside the different facts and legal issues between both cases, Jemele Hill’s logic goes something like this: Because the NFL took Tom Brady to court, Kaepernick must have had something serious on the NFL for them to settle. That of course, makes sense when you’re in the business of ignoring facts that don’t fit your narrative.

NFL never made formal settlement offer, but indicated willing to cut suspension to 3 games if Brady admitted DeflateGate guilt. No deal.

— Gary Myers (@GaryMyersNY) August 31, 2015

It’s not uncommon for these matters to be settled outside of court, and Kaepernick’s case wasn’t unique. There were numerous reports of settlement offers between both sides during the Deflategate saga. However, neither side came to terms, so they hashed it out in court. In fact, according to a new a book on the scandal,

One of the most notable pieces of information from the book, which is titled “12: The Inside Story of Tom Brady’s Fight for Redemption,” is the fact that Brady almost didn’t get suspended. According to an excerpt of the book that was obtained by ABC News, the Patriots quarterback offered to pay a $1 million fine to the NFL if the league agreed not to suspend him. Apparently, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell was completely on board with the offer, but before he could accept it, Brady would have to do one thing: Goodell wanted Brady to throw his two equipment guys — John Jastremski and Jim McNally — under the bus.

Apparently Tom Brady, actually sacrificed himself for what he believed in, and he even did it without a Nike advertisement virtue signaling for him. Jemel Hill’s willful omission of facts certainly causes her narrative to lose its spin. Thus, the only thing left is the painful alternative; the reality that Colin Kaepernick is nothing but a fraud. It was never about football, he turned down an opportunity prove everyone wrong about his skill and play in AAF. It was never about the racial injustice of the criminal justice system, he was bought off by an alleged racial institution in the NFL. And the last I checked, Muhammed Ali was denied boxing licenses in every state for which he applied. He was sentenced to jail and appealed all the way to the Supreme Court for what he believed in. Kaepernick couldn’t even go to a civil trial for his.

Perhaps for honesty’s sake, Nike should change their Kaepernick Ad from

To, “Believe in something, until someone pays you enough not to.”

Originally published at on February 19, 2019.

